This has raised concerns because only a few significant sex differences have been reported in the negative impacts of ED symptoms on medical and psychiatric comorbidities, psychosocial function, and quality of life 8, 21– 26. These studies have specifically highlighted the potential under-utilization of mental health care by men and by ethnic/racial minorities with EDs as suggested by their under-representation in specialty clinic-based treatment studies. Research has revealed potential differences in sample characteristics between specialty clinic-based studies and community-based studies 13– 20.

In addition to an improved and updated understanding of the overall prevalence of help-seeking, there is also a need to examine potential disparities by sex and for ethnic/racial minorities among those with EDs. This study aimed to contribute new knowledge of treatment utilization among individuals who met lifetime DSM-5-defined diagnoses of EDs in the general population. To our knowledge, no study has investigated this question since DSM-5 was published in 2013 1. Despite these possible disease burdens, there is a dearth of epidemiological research on EDs 2, 3, particularly regarding prevalence and patterns of seeking help or treatment for ED symptoms. Available research suggests EDs are associated with decreased quality of life and increased economic costs compared to other psychiatric conditions 7. AN, BN, and BED are also frequently comorbid with other psychiatric disorders, particularly with anxiety disorders, major depressive disorder, and substance use disorders 3, 9– 12. EDs are associated with numerous medical complications, impaired health-related quality of life, and severe psychosocial functional impairment 6– 8.
#Dsm 5 anorexia manual
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